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Write to Blog - Tips and Guidelines

Thank you for wanting to write for SirHandsomeJack. The blog covers topics around Technology, Business or Gaming! So if you are interested in these areas, I would love to hear from you!


Looking to submit an idea to the blog? Please contact me here!


I would love unique posts about:

  • Latest trends in technology or business.

  • Reviews for new or upcoming devices and games.

  • Tutorials or explanations related to technology.

  • Coursework for IT or Business.

  • Write about me :)


However, I am open to any ideas if you think it would fit the blog. I may not accept everything but I will give feedback to those that I do not accept so you can try again.


What do I get when I write for your blog?

​Guest posting provides many benefits to you such as:

  • Do-follow back links to your website or social media.

  • Lots of new traffic to your posts.

  • A profile page for users to message you.

  • Users can follow your profile and be notified on new posts.

  • Potential for portion of ad-revenue if very successful.

How do I post on your blog?

If you have not already done so, you must create an account on the website. Once you have contacted me and have been approved, your account will be given editor permissions to create and manage your own posts on the blog. You can freely post on the blog and can schedule when to publish or publish instantly. Please make sure you follow the guidelines or your permissions will be revoked. I put my trust in you to follow rules for your benefit, do not let me down!



When creating a post on the blog, please make sure your post meets the following criteria:

  • 500 words or more.

  • Good English and grammar.

  • Be in the topic of Technology, Business or Gaming.

  • Title must be relevant to the topic.

  • Correctly format post with heading (h1) and subheadings (h2 and h3).

  • Correctly add categories and tags to the post (in Blog Editor).

  • Include at least one image or video with appropriate captions.

  • Include at least one reputable source from where you got your information. This source must be correctly quoted but do not copy the whole article. You do not need a source if you are posting coursework.

  • Write for the reader, then optimise for SEO with good use and understanding of keywords.

  • No harmful language or media.

  • Must not be plagiarised.


What happens after I post to your blog?

When you publish a post to the blog, feel free to share it on social media or your own website. I will also review it and insert in-article ads where appropriate, you can also choose where you want the ads to go by commenting in your post or changing an existing placement, but please do not remove them without permission.


Please DO NOT publish your post to a different blog (only your own website).


You retain all rights to your content, but if you decide to publish it on another website, then unfortunately, I will unpublish it from the blog and give you a warning before revoking your permission. This is to avoid having duplicate content which can negatively impact SEO on the website.


Anything else?

If you enjoyed guest posting on this website, I would love if you keep posting content to the blog. If your posts are very successful, I can setup a monetisation scheme where you get paid a portion of the ad revenue based on traffic on your posts.


Please make sure to share this website with people who may also be interested in writing for the website.


Looking forward to hearing from you,

Jack Young


Blog Application Form

Thanks for submitting!

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